As we all know, our pets right now are basically part of our family, and here at AG Contractors & Design we keep this in mind when designing your new houses, renovations, and every single project. We are currently implementing a new segment in our social media called Dog-Friendly AG, which you can enjoy by following us on Instagram just by clicking here! But also, this is a new segment that will often appear here in our blog section. We talk about how to design the best spaces for them, tips, trends, materials, and more. Be sure to stay tuned and keep up with our new special furry section!
When designing a space or a house or anything really that will have a permanent pet in it, it is really important to keep in mind the materials that will be used in the project so that in the future, these details won’t damage because of some friendly scratches that our fluffy friends can make.
Floorings are the most important aspect to keep in mind when designing your house and the possible materials that will be used in it. Your dogs will run, play, sleep, scratch, and do other possible activities that can ruin your brand-new floorings in the long term. And yeah, we love our pets, but we also love our brand-new interior renovation! So, because of it, we are giving you a small guide about dog-friendly flooring options right here, right now!
– The material: Some materials are more resistant than others, like ceramic tiles, stone floorings, and laminates. This will reduce the possibility of accidents caused by our pets!
– The color. Believe it or not, the color of your flooring matters when it comes to dogs. They tend to make more scratches on darker colors because they can’t see them as much.
– The resistance: When choosing floorings, you need to keep in mind if it is a material that can handle scratches, water, stains, and more!
Tiles are a great flooring option for dog–friendly homes because they are durable, stain-resistant, and more importantly, scratch-resistance! This means that when your puppy gets too excited, your flooring will be saved. They are also a great option if you live in a hot climate since they help keep the house cooler.
Vinyl is another great option for dog-friendly homes because it is durable, easy to clean, and slip-resistant. It is also a budget-friendly option.
Laminate is a great option for dog-friendly homes because it is one of the easiest materials to clean while keeping it classy and always giving your floorings the best finishing touches. It is also a budget-friendly option.
Hardwood is a great option for dog-friendly homes because it is durable and can handle scratches. One of its most important aspects is that it is a hypoallergenic material, which is great if your dog has allergies.
Bamboo is a great option for dog-friendly homes because it is environmentally friendly, durable, and as other materials mentioned before, easy to clean (yes, really important point). It is also a great hypoallergenic material. And, last but not least, it is a budget-friendly option for certain spaces in your home!
In conclusion, when you are designing or renovating your home and considering adding some furry friends to the family, remember what materials will best suit their needs and yours! And as always, follow us on our social media for more tips, trends, products, and much more! Thanks for reading!